New Year and same old thought habits?
Well, it is a new year and most people have resolutions which they want to see change in the next year. They have taken stock and are unhappy with the ways their life is going. We all do it. Gyms get busy for 3-4 weeks and then go back to normal, yoga pass for the next month, eating better. We want change! Come February, Poof!! It is the wanting that never makes it arrive. We need to choose change. I have gone into details of wanting something only pushes it away from you in this previous post. Lets say you want to lose 20 Lbs., not uncommon, right? Your thought is “I am unhappy with my weight” that is because you are unhappy with your weight, that it arrives.
Great Dave…. Thanks for that bit of information. The emotion of being unhappy is producing the result, what you feel is what is manifest.
This is how most people run their life. Take happiness, that is a top three on most lists, everyone wants happiness, N’est-ce pas? So lets break down, the have, then do, then be. Most believe if they “Have” a thing, like more money, time, love or whatever, then they can finally “Do” the thing they want, like go on a vacation, buy a house, find love. This will allow them to finally “Be” happy, in love, or content and peaceful. Havingness does not produce Beingness.
Don’t worry this is a well ingrained thought process that you have been given be generations before you and is now instilled is the Collective Consciousness. Most of the world works in this way, the “By Me” way. Most Shelf Help books also operate in this manner.
“Be” the love you want to “Have”
The power of the Universe works opposite of what we have been told. First you have to “Be” the thing called happy, love or content. Then start “doing” things from a place of Beingness and soon you what you are “Doing” winds up bringing all the things you have always wanted to “Have”.
So lets go full circle back to the original idea of weight loss for the year. Instead of “Wanting” to lose weight, “Choose” to lose weight. Choose to be the person you want to be if you lost 20 Lbs, that is if you have a vision of yourself running a 10Km run. Start “Doing” it and soon you will “Have” the 20lbs. less weight.
Same goes with love. Be Love, start acting loving to all those around you, be the love you wish to attract. While you are doing that, the Universe with its Law of Attraction will give you more. It will arrive in your life and you will finally “Have” the love you are looking for.
How about money? Abundance or scarcity mindset? A scarcity mindset runs on Have-Do-Be process. I “have” to work hard and “do” a job or work long hours to “be” enough in the bank. All the time bargaining and being cheap or thrifty, the Universe will match that with more of what you are. An abundance mindset knows and will “be” rich with their time and money knowing more is to come. So they do things that enrich others. In return the Universe, which is abundant returns it and they “have” more. These people pay the full price, knowing that more will be available. Think of a person who has made a million dollars, lost it and then made more. They run the Be-Do-Have paradigm.
So do you think if you know someone who thinks “if I had a little more time, money, love, then I will truly be “Happy”?